- B.A. in Physics and Computer Science, Georgetown University, 2022
Work experience
- Summer 2021: NSF-REU Summer Researcher, University of Hawai’i
- Duties included: Tagging issues
- Supervisor: Dr. Sloan Coats
- Spring 2021: MDI Scholar, Massive Data Institute
- Produced code to conduct sentiment and emotion analysis on Iraqi tweets to support better prediction of forced migration
- Implemented Apache Spark into existing codebase to maximize efficiency through parallel processing
- August 2020- : Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics
- Collaborated with graduate students to guide students through introductory physics lab sessions (in-person and virtual)
- Hosted office hours to answer students’ questions and help solidify concepts presented in lecture
- Languages
- Python
- C++
- Java
- R
Service and leadership ======
- Peer Supporter, Project Lighthouse
Awards and Presentations
- PIDGM, Paleo Isotopic Dynamics with a Global Model
- CUR Symposium (Oct ‘21), AGU Fall Meeting (Dec ‘21)
- National Hispanic Scholar
- 2020/21, 2021/22
- AGU Fall Meeting Student Travel Grant Recipient, 2021
- Cognizant Pathways in Technology Scholar, 2021